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Tablet Buying Guide for Older Adults

Tablet Buying Guide for Older Adults

At B&H, we have a wide selection of tablet computers in-store and online. Our computer experts can help you find the best tablet for your needs and budget.

You're probably thinking, "Where do I start? What brand should I buy? What tablet features do I want?" Do I need any accessories for my tablet computer?"

The Microsoft Surface Pro 3

With more and more seniors going online and adopting broadband, it's clear that the internet is playing a major role in connecting people of all ages to news, information, entertainment, government services, health resources, and more. You know you want to get online and explore the other features offered by tablets, but deciding which tablet computer you should buy can be daunting.

That's why our tablet experts at B & H Photo shared some of their favorite shopping and comparison hacks with us:


How Will You Use Your Tablet?

Think about why you want a tablet and the things you want to do on your new device. Do you want a tablet to surf the web, keep track of your expenses and pay bills, access critical health services, and medical resources, do your grocery shopping online, connect with friends and family on social media, or make video calls to healthcare professionals? Determining what you want to do on your tablet computer can help you narrow down your options.


What's Your Budget?

Tablets come in all shapes and sizes. Tablets come in a wide variety of price points, starting at about $50 and running into several hundreds of dollars. If you plan on only using your laptop to the browse the web, then you wouldn't want to spend a lot of money on features you'll never use. Our experts at B & H can help you find the best tablet at the right price for your needs. They might even suggest trying exploring an easy-to-use, cost-saving Chromebook.


Work, Play, or Both?

You may be retired, but for some, that doesn't mean you've stopped working. If you're looking for a laptop that can handle a workload, then you'll want to invest in something like a Surface Pro (which runs Windows 10) or an iPad Pro. However, even these powerhouse tablets are great for travel. With more and more airlines set to phase out onboard screen entertainment, a tablet is a great investment for seniors who fly a lot to visit new places and their family and friends.


Entertainment for the Masses

Love to read? Watch movies? Listen to the "music" your grandkids can't stop raving about? A tablet is a great device for keeping kids and teens entertained. The little ones can watch the latest episode of their favorite cartoons, draw in their favorites apps, and more.Your older grandkids can binge-watch their favorite shows, check out the latest fashions online, or do research for their last-minute homework assignment right on your tablet.

Everyone is different. Even the staff @B&H Photo. But the best way to figure out what tablet is right for you is to think about your budget, what you want to use it for, and perhaps, the other people in your life that can benefit from this wonderful piece of tech.